Former Student Body President Runs for Worthington School Board

April 24, 2023
Former TWHS student, Josh Hickman ’22, has just announced he is running for Worthington School Board. During Hickman’s high school career, he was involved in leadership roles in Student Council at Thomas Worthington High School. He participated in the Freshman Mentor program and was an active leader in the TWHS theater program. Hickman strives to continue his leadership on a larger scale and run for Worthington School Board. He is currently a first-year student at The Ohio State University, majoring in public management, leadership, and policy.
Hickman’s decision to run for Worthington School Board was based on his belief that students “deserve real representation at the district level,” Hickman said.
He spent years “advocating for students as Class and Student Body President” he continued. At TWHS he wants to be a voice for students throughout the district.
“[I want to] utilize my education at Ohio State, specifically as an education policy minor, to help our district reach its full potential,” Hickman said. He hopes to “champion policies that the district cares about while embracing the rich diversity our district has to offer.”
Once elected, Hickman first plans to work on making mental health support a top priority. He plans to expand access to “mental health services, educate students on resources they can use, and encourage schools to make sure everyone feels like they belong.” Hickman says.
Hickman believes that it is the district’s responsibility to do a better job of making sure each student is set up for success, “no matter their path after high school” Hickman continues. “By promoting opportunities for students to earn college credit, strengthening partnerships with the DACC, and meeting the needs of students with disabilities, we can make this a reality.”
He wants to see the board increase student engagement by getting more students involved in extracurricular activities, creating more opportunities for involvement in the community, as well as utilizing outdoor learning spaces. Hickman thinks the biggest challenge he will face while running is his age.
“We don’t often see people this young run for office, much less win,” Hickman said. “To overcome this I want to use my age as an asset by reinforcing that as a recent product of the school system, I am more than qualified to speak about the issues it is facing.”
He knows it will be a challenge for some to believe, but he sees himself as qualified to do the job. Hickman plans to put his all into the election and ensure no voice is left unheard.
If you’re interested in learning more about his campaign check out and follow @hickmanforboard on Instagram.