- Students – please check your school email to see if you have been scheduled to make up state testing tomorrow, December 10. Also, a reminder – all students in a Government class this semester will take the state test this Thursday, December 12 at 8:40 am. Please check your school email for your testing location and bring your school Chromebook!
- Please join us for our next Diversity Club meeting on Friday, December 13th during 5th period. We will meet in room A216.
SEEKING VOCAL TALENT!The Marching Band is looking to feature a female voice in the Soulful, Broadway, Motown stylings of Aretha Franklin. Sign up with the Schoology Code and submit it before the Holiday Break. Be featured in the 2025 Marching Band show and perform all across Central Ohio and beyond!Look for the posters around the building for more information.Use Schoology Code: 58D6-C6Q4-2BBZX
- The next Calm Cafe will be hosted by the School mental health specialists on Monday 12/16 during all lunch periods in LEM 269.
Interested in learning more about the healthcare field? On Wednesday, February 19 we will be taking a group of students to the Central Ohio Healthcare Summit at the fairgrounds featuring the following healthcare professions:
- Registered Nurse
- Medical Assistant
- Radiological Technologist
- Surgical Technologist
- Medical Laboratory Technician
- Respiratory Therapist
This event is available for students in grades 9 – 12. Students will need to register by December 31 by using the link posted in your class Schoology page. Questions? Stop by the School Counseling Office!