Senior from Thomas Worthington Teaches Spanish to Colonial Hills students

Student at Colonial Hills practicing how to write the ABC’s in English.

Marlene Perez


“Senior year has been going great so far!” Alexis Fisher from Thomas Worthington High School said. Alexis recently got an internship at Colonial Hills Elementary School. She tutors three kids every week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The three kids she is currently tutoring are in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. Spanish is their native language so Alexis tutors them in the English.

Alexis, who has been taking Spanish classes since 7th grade, says that she has been loving Spanish all along. She also speaks the language with her Spanish speaking friends to enhance her skills and to learn from her peers. Alexis absolutely loves going to her internship because the students are always ready and excited to see her. When the Phoenix got the chance to interview her, Alexis said, “They have been improving everyday and seem to love learning the English vocabulary!” It has been a couple of weeks into the internship and they are currently learning their ABC’s in English.

The Hispanic community in Worthington has increased by 9% since 2010 and is still growing. Some of the children brought into school know little English and struggle with certain subjects. With the help of individuals like Alexis, they can improve the learning experience of Spanish-speaking students, including their confidence and learning skills. This then spreads diversity in the Worthington community. For Alexis, this is a great learning experience as she wants to pursue a major in Spanish when she goes off to college.