Issue 2 vs Issue 3

November 2, 2015
For Ohioans there still remains questions about the differences between Issue 2 and Issue 3. Issue 3 supporters are hoping for the legalization of marijuana, while Issue 2 supporters are not. Marijuana has been something that people have been illegally using for years, and Issue 3 supporters feel it should be legal because people will always find ways to get a hold of it. Issue 3 says that it will be legal for people over 21 to use marijuana for medical uses and are allowed to own up to 8 ounces. If Issue 3 is passed then 10 growing farms in the state will be approved for commercial distribution. The controversy is that allowing 10 growing farms would be a monopoly on marijuana markets. That’s where Issue 2 comes in, which is primarily an anti monopoly amendment. If Issue 2 passes then groups would be prohibited from using the Ohio constitution as a monopoly to get their own financial profit. 19 states already have monopolies banned in their constitutional provisions, and will overrule Issue 3. Issue 3 supporters don’t think it matters if anyone amends the Ohio constitution even if it’s for their own benefit. Issue 3 supporters believes that all that matters should be a majority rule. If you want marijuana legal in Ohio then you’ll probably vote for Issue 3, but if you’re against monopolies then voting yes on Issue 2 and against 3 is what you’ll most likely vote for. The election will be on Tuesday, November 3rd.
Liam Hull • Nov 6, 2015 at 11:00 am
I think marijuana should be legal, because why not?