Access to Tutoring Abounds at Thomas Worthington High School

March 8, 2022
As the 3rd quarter ends, there are still many resources available for students who are looking for extra academic support to finish out the year on a strong note. Students have access to multiple options such as Academic Assist teachers in the cards center, teachers tutoring after school, and students tutoring other students. Many students go through classes struggling to comprehend the material and don’t know what options are accessible to them. It’s important for students to be more aware of these tutoring opportunities and get a general understanding of how it works.
Peter Min is an academic assistant teacher here at Thomas, who specializes in the science department. Min works all day with different students in all grade levels to help them learn their content for science classes. Even though Min is always available, the majority of students don’t know about him and the other academic assist teachers. “I think probably less than half the students are aware of myself and the other assist teachers,” said Min.
Some of the staff here at Thomas Worthington are familiar with some of the tutoring opportunities around Thomas Worthington. Ms. Laughlin, a math teacher here, was asked if she thought many students were knowledgeable of tutoring options. “ I think probably they know that they can go see their teachers during free periods if they have questions and I think teachers probably communicate that at the beginning of the year or as kids are struggling, asking them to come in during preps. I do however think fewer kids know to use our academic assists in that way, probably more upperclassmen than freshman.” Laughlin said. After knowing this we wondered if she knew any good ways to get involved in extra help. “I know our counseling department has a list of tutors that they communicate to parents when they reach out and ask for outside support so I know that we have that available”.
Kayla Lu, a junior here, has helped tutor some underclassmen. Lu is currently tutoring a freshman here at Thomas specifically for math. Lu gave us her insight on what tutoring options are best for students. “I think that the best tutoring comes from students who have already taken a certain class and done well because they know the material the most. If you need help, I recommend asking your teacher if they know any students who are willing to tutor. That’s how I got connected with the student I’m currently tutoring.”
Finally, Lily McAlister, a student currently being tutored by an upperclassman, spoke out about how she got involved in this opportunity. “I asked a teacher here at Thomas because she used to be my tutor in elementary school and she told me about another teacher that knew about some opportunities and so I emailed her but her price was too much for me and my family,” McAlister said. “So then my teacher told me about an upperclassman and I got in touch with her and her price was much better for me personally. We meet in the library after school once a week for an hour and I find it very helpful and would definitely recommend it for other students.”
However, a recurring problem with these resources is that they’re not getting much publicity and not many people know about them. “Considering she was my only option, I don’t believe many people know and even that there are many options for students, especially younger students like freshman,” McAlister continued. There are many untapped resources for students to take advantage of, all they need to do is ask.
toby hamel • Mar 17, 2022 at 1:55 pm
absolutely baller article! will be reading again!